
“Lauren’s the truth that you never wanted to hear, not even from your mother.
That obscene cut to the bone comment you heard in the gig line was definitely
aimed at you, and it came from her. Burn.” – Abby Cowan

Loz writes. Mainly about music – specifically about most iterations of the Punk, Hardcore and Hip Hop worlds. She is quite sweary, and prone to hyperbole.


One response to “About

  1. Nick "G6" Galvin

    October 5, 2011 at 1:30 pm

    I think the fact that I have, not only found this blog, but in fact stayed to read it simply due to it being good, rather than knowing you, is a credit to you my dear. I hope that in the future you will continue to write about much awesomeness, and continue to entertain the millions all over the world.

    After carrying out some simple editing on this comment, it has come to my attention that this may come across cynical….let me reassure you that this is as sincere as Santa’s acceptance that he did not create slave labour…simply because I assume he’d be pretty cool about that sort of thing…right?


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